Tag Archives: Suits

NYSC: 314 Days of Impact.

Smiles, giggles and laughter everywhere. Camera flashlights flashing from all corners. Everyone is decked in a uniform. Some corp members have just passed out from the scheme.
On November 5th the previous year, an orientation camp in the sleepy town of Obubra had welcomed these lot. Oblivious of what the camp had in stock for them, they sojourned and spent 3 weeks. Gruesome weeks for most of them. In those three weeks, amidst the parades and drills, relationships were forged, friendships formed and enemies made.
Being the social beings we are, we come across various people everyday. Our interactions lead to imprints being made. Some are like footprints on a sand dune; others are like a footprint on a cement paste left to solidify. Positive or negative. Few people leave the positive former in your life. Look, I’m not into going on a reel of praise singing like Fuji musicians; i suck at it. But some people just make you wish you were a Fuji musician. Here I compile a non-exhaustive list of those who I’ll never forget in this lifetime for their impact resonates even when I’m in a windowless room.

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